Wild Chanterelles: Emergence and Transformation

Scent: Damp woodland air after rain; a soft, fruity undertone, sometimes likened to apricots, with hints of sweetness that feel warm and inviting; grounded and musky, like decaying leaves...

Journaling Prompt: Something in your life that has been quietly growing or evolving, like the hidden mycelium beneath the surface.

As mushrooms, chanterelles are part of the forest’s cycle of decay and renewal. They emerge from the hidden mycelial network beneath the soil, representing transformation, unseen growth, and the interconnectedness of life. Chanterelles are elusive, often requiring knowledge, intuition, and a deep connection with nature to find.

Writing on senses in connection to (found) objects can be both reflective and therapeutic, offering a bridge between memory, emotion, and the natural world.

Kamila AubreComment