What is a Woman?


I walk beneath the moon and stars and feel the night crawl through my skin. There is something between us which we share in silence, a certain texture, some kind of smell. A velvet touch of expansion and warmth and still

some distance, as if far away were something hidden. 

The pale bluish light all potential in midst of the darkness, were it not for her, we’d swim even deeper

ourselves as an infinite well, the pebbles thrown in resounding and, outside, the wind and grass and crickets, all those things that run in color through the world. 

On the surface all blooms in sweetness and fury, the many petals and arms and legs stretching through streets and people

beneath us, still, there is always water

and that moon.  

- Ana Novi


Each woman is different but all have one thing in common: they are the balance of the people around them.

A woman is:

  • a refuge for the child who feels weakened or upset about his day

  • the sensuality embodied in the eyes of his husband / boyfriend

  • a fighter in the face of different life situations

  • a pillar for its employees

His cycle allows her to have several personalities.

Some are rooted in their values ​​and others give themselves the right to twirl according to their desires.

At each key moment of her life, her body exudes a sweet scent of struggle, of hope, of belief in a better world.

Who does not remember the days of vacation spent with their grandparents around a wonderful cake that smells good while crunching a piece while wrapping their arms around their grandmother whom we love so much ?

A woman locks up her past and opens up to the future like a flower that blooms in the morning and closes in the evening.

It leaves a light wake and even when they go to the beyond they are always there with us.

Woman you are and woman you will remain.

Who are you ? You are a whole.

- Sarah